Operations & Technology

Scorebuddy Reviewed

Years ago, we got fed up tracking our quality assurance call scores in a massive spreadsheet, so we went out searching for a solution. The affordable and simple solution we found at the time was called Scorebuddy. They are an Ireland based software company that focus exclusively on call center quality management. At the time we launched them we didn’t…

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Entrepreneurship, Uncategorized

My Top Quarantine Takeaways

These last few months have obviously changed everyone’s lives in a significant way. From what I can tell people are either doing substantially better or substantially worse. I’m luckily counting myself part of the former group! I’m doing so well I’m even posting to my blog! Regular readers know how rare this has become lately. This has been such an…

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Do We Really Get To Do This?

It’s been waaay too long since I’ve posted anything, so I thought I’d ease back into it with a brief reflection. I remember back in 2006 when I was fresh out of college and scrambling to find a job before my 6 month grace period for student loans ended. I had started out working at Scotts Lawn Care, which I…

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Operations & Technology

Insperity PEO Reviewed

Before joining my current company I had never even heard of a PEO (Professional Employer Organization). I’ve now come to work closely with Insperity for years and thought I’d share what I’ve learned. The basic premise of a PEO is that you can be a small business, but by leveraging a PEO you can get benefits that rival those of…

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Book of the Month

Choose Your Inputs Carefully

Often, though not always, whenever I participate in small talk with folks at work, it turns into a discussion about favorite tv shows, movies, or sports. At that point, I fall silent and become an observer, because my extent of tv is watching The Grand Tour and Silicon Valley, and if the Cowboys are winning I might get myself to…

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Join a Band

Want Management Experience? Join a Band

Last week I went to a Cake show here in Dallas. It was as awesome as I expected, but hilariously, and somewhat pathetically, the lead singer threatened to cancel the second half of the show when he was experiencing some pretty menial difficulties. It got me thinking of all the characters I’ve encountered in music. I’ve played in several hobby…

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