
Leadership Talking Points #4

There was a conflict last month that prevented me from having this meeting, and therefore this post, but I’m back again with the latest round of leadership thoughts. To get the full context of this series start at #1. Never complain. This is just a good life practice regardless of what position you’re in. People that complain are seen as lazy, negative,…

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Company Bragging – Round 2

Earlier this year I shared some accolades and attention our company received from various sources. We haven’t slowed down so I thought I’d share the latest! We are number 40 on the Inc. 500! This one is obviously huge and has gotten us lots of attention. Our 5,907% growth rate over the last three years has not gone unnoticed. The…

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Leadership Talking Points #3

Back again with 3 talking points from my monthly leadership meetings. To start at the beginning and get the full context click here. Manage to trends, not incidents. I mean this in reference to negative performance, not positive. Instances of positive performance should be celebrated shamelessly. Unfortunately, for many managers the easy route is to catch people making mistakes, and then instantly…

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Leadership Talking Points #2

This is the second month where I’ll cover some leadership principles that are good to keep in mind and discuss on a regular basis. For the full context and the first post in this series click here. We discussed these points at my office and I hope you can benefit from them too! Catch employees doing something right. This one…

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Title's Matter
Operations & Technology

Why Titles Matter

I’ve worked with many business owners that really couldn’t care less about the titles they give their employees. I can totally understand this sentiment from an entrepreneur’s perspective, what difference does a title make? The only thing that matters is what you can do, not what you’re called. For a long time I shared this sentiment, but over time I’ve…

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Leadership Talking Points #1

It recently occurred to me that although we have a leader of some sort working on making every department better in our company, we have no one explicitly working on making those leaders better. At first I shrugged it off because I couldn’t imagine the hubris of someone who is instructing others on leadership that was not near retirement age with…

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Operations & Technology

My Top 15 Ecommerce Tools

This week I’ll be speaking at the Dallas Ecommerce Meetup. If you’re local come by and say hi! The name of the talk is “My Top 15 Ecommerce Tools” and I wanted to create a resource for everyone at the talk to access the links. It would be too long to write the whole thing up, especially since I’ve already…

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Operations & Technology

ProcedureFlow Reviewed

I mentioned a while back that I went to the Genesys G-Force conference in Miami. It was a great conference, and one of the best parts of it was the discovery of a software company called ProcedureFlow. ProcedureFlow is a web based application that allows you to easily chart out, you guessed it, procedures in a logical and easy to…

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