
From Self-Employed to Entrepreneur

There is a big difference between those that would describe themselves as self-employed or as freelancers and those that are true entrepreneurs. Being self-employed means you’ve created a job for yourself, which is great, if it weren’t for all the extra hours and your slave driver of a boss. Being an entrepreneur though, is something much different. It is to…

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The Tremendous Value of Humility

I was recently watching some old home videos I took of me and my college buddies traveling throughout Europe. I thought these videos were going to remind me of all the amazing times we had and beautiful things we saw, but it actually had a different effect on me. When I watched the videos, what stood out to me was…

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The Case For Running A Debt Free Business

In this post I intend to argue why you’re always better off running your business debt free. Before I list my reasons, I want to make one clarification though. I am not arguing against selling equity in your business to a VC or something along those lines. I’m arguing against using credit cards and business loans to fund and grow…

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I was recently able to listen in on a conversation between two of my friends. One of them is a successful business owner, and the other is a corporate employee looking to get out of the rat race. The advice of the business owner was to put it all on the line and quit his job to start a business,…

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Can You Handle The 20 Mile March?

Last week I posted about the book Great By Choice and sort of summarized it’s primary points. There is one part of that book that I keep pondering, though, and I wanted to explore the idea a little more. The idea I’m talking about is the “20 Mile March” concept. Collins explains that we should all be making advances in…

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The Time Efficiency Absolutes

Over the years I’ve become obsessed with efficiency. I think that time is ultimately our most valuable resource, and we waste too much of it. I think this goes both ways too, we can sit at our desk and stare at Facebook at work, thereby ruining our productivity, and we can also waste our leisure time, by doing subpar activities.…

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