
Are Side Projects Productive?

For the first time since my sophomore year in college (so roughly 15 years), I don’t currently have some side business going on. It’s a bizarre feeling to come home and have to think about what I’m going to do at night once my son is in bed. It used to be a given that I’d go to work on some…

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Operations & Technology

Are Conferences Worth It?

I recently attended a local eCommerce conference and was once again faced with the same question I ask myself pretty much every time I attend a conference. Is this worth the time and expense? It’s something I struggle with usually after conferences since it’s usually several thousand dollars and as much as a week of my time when all is…

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Operations & Technology

The Best Place To Work

Have I mentioned that I work for a rapidly growing company recently? I was conducting an interview today and the candidate asked me what the number one concern was that I brought home with me every day was. This was a good question! After a few seconds of thinking about it though it became obvious to me that it was staffing…

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Get The Right People On The Bus
Operations & Technology

Hiring in Ecommerce

I currently find myself in a rare situation where I am not in desperate need of new team members. This is especially crazy when you consider that I work for one of the fastest growing online retailers in the country. I suspect this will be a very short lived situation. It struck me though that for the first time since…

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Operations & Technology

On Being The New Leader

My family and I have safely made it to Texas! It was an adventure getting here to say the least. The 24 foot truck I drove down broke down completely in the Virginia mountains which resulted in an all-nighter on the shoulder of the highway and then a moving crew loading everything into a new truck the next day. After…

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