Fair warning on this post: If you’re not currently structuring your inventory or thinking of redoing it then this might be the most boring thing you’ve ever read. You might want to skip this one. For those of you that are, though, I’ve listed my top 7 things to keep in mind when building out your SKUs. Every single one…
Book Review: Benjamin Franklin: An American Life
Recently I spent a few hours listening to interviews with successful entrepreneurs. Every once in awhile I’ll get really into it and spend something like 4 hours doing this. On this specific day I heard this book mentioned and recommended by three different entrepreneurs that I really respect. Walter Isaacson, the author, also wrote a biography on Einstein, and is…
From Self-Employed to Entrepreneur
There is a big difference between those that would describe themselves as self-employed or as freelancers and those that are true entrepreneurs. Being self-employed means you’ve created a job for yourself, which is great, if it weren’t for all the extra hours and your slave driver of a boss. Being an entrepreneur though, is something much different. It is to…
Fire Your IT Guy, Part 2: Phones
This post is the second part of my Fire Your IT Guy series. In it I explain how I removed complicated and expensive systems from our office and replaced them with web based, user friendly, cheap solutions that don’t require an expert to support them. In this article I’ll talk about how we moved our phone system to the cloud and…
Fire Your IT Guy, Part 1: Email
in 2010, after several years of being slowly trained in as our office IT guy, I was finally handed the reigns. It was not a happy moment, as I had experienced many late nights and weekends trying to fix our servers and systems already, and knew that it was now my primary responsibility to figure these things out. I didn’t…
Book Review: Neccessary Endings, By Dr. Henry Cloud
I first was introduced to Dr. Henry Cloud when I read his book Boundaries. That book is a must read as far as I’m concerned for anyone doing anything. So when Dr. Cloud brought out his new book “Necessary Endings” I had to get it. This book presents the case that we should all end more things that are not…
The Tremendous Value of Humility
I was recently watching some old home videos I took of me and my college buddies traveling throughout Europe. I thought these videos were going to remind me of all the amazing times we had and beautiful things we saw, but it actually had a different effect on me. When I watched the videos, what stood out to me was…
The Case For Running A Debt Free Business
In this post I intend to argue why you’re always better off running your business debt free. Before I list my reasons, I want to make one clarification though. I am not arguing against selling equity in your business to a VC or something along those lines. I’m arguing against using credit cards and business loans to fund and grow…
The Top Ten Reasons To Sell On Amazon
I’ve heard many merchants argue that you shouldn’t sell on Amazon.com because you’re essentially “feeding the beast” and helping your competition. As Amazon continues to grow, I don’t think this will be a winning strategy. I’ve compiled my top ten reasons why you should list your products on Amazon below: 1. More Money! This one is the most obvious. If…
Book Review: Tribes, We Need You To Lead Us, By Seth Godin
Seth Godin is an amazing author that speaks on the exact wavelength that resonates with me. He speaks of purpose in work and change and creativity in a world where most businesses are attempting to hold onto their old convictions and procedures. Tribes is a great little book that discusses this and much more. At only 150 pages you can…