Operations & Technology

My 80/20 Twitter Approach

You can’t pick up an Ecommerce magazine or read a blog nowadays without being told that you need a social media strategy. At this point you’d think that every online store has one, but over the last few weeks I’ve been collecting data on hundreds of online stores (who we’ll be contacting soon to pitch our product to) and I’ve…

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Book of the Month

Book Review: Quitter, By Jon Acuff

Normally acknowledging that you read a book called “Quitter” is not a good thing to do on the world wide web. At least while you’re still employed. Luckily, my current employer is also a partner so there is no conflict of interest. I also mainly picked this book up because I’m a fan of Dave Ramsey and Jon Acuff is…

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Book of the Month

Book Review: Getting Real, By 37Signals

For those of you that haven’t heard of 37Signals, they are a software company that has created revolutionary software such as Basecamp, Highrise, and Campfire. These tools are a breath of fresh air in the software world and it’s worth your time to check them out. They also have an excellent blog that can be found here. We’ve modeled much…

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