Operations & Technology

Scorebuddy Reviewed

Years ago, we got fed up tracking our quality assurance call scores in a massive spreadsheet, so we went out searching for a solution. The affordable and simple solution we found at the time was called Scorebuddy. They are an Ireland based software company that focus exclusively on call center quality management. At the time we launched them we didn’t…

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Operations & Technology

Insperity PEO Reviewed

Before joining my current company I had never even heard of a PEO (Professional Employer Organization). I’ve now come to work closely with Insperity for years and thought I’d share what I’ve learned. The basic premise of a PEO is that you can be a small business, but by leveraging a PEO you can get benefits that rival those of…

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Leadership, Operations & Technology

On Firing

Firing people sucks terribly. It’s a sign that you screwed up and the other person screwed up as well. Even worse is laying someone off, where they are not at fault at all, and sometimes it’s entirely because of you. I’ve frequently thought it would be useful to write a post on firing people, but I’ve always kicked the can…

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Operations & Technology

8×8 Reviewed

It seems every year I have to try out a new phone system. In the past I’ve reviewed Vonage, Talkdesk, and Genesys. We’re now on 8×8 and I believe it’s the best yet for our purposes. While 8×8 boasts chat capabilities, after the demo I realized they were even less advanced than Genesys, so all I’m using is their phone…

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Operations & Technology

Olark Chat Reviewed

Any CX professional worth their salt will tell you that inbound calls are generally decreasing in volume, while chat is on the rise. This is excellent news for us in eCommerce because chat is a substantially more efficient way to service a customer. A phone agent can speak with one person at a time whereas a chat agent can usually…

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Title's Matter
Operations & Technology

Why Titles Matter

I’ve worked with many business owners that really couldn’t care less about the titles they give their employees. I can totally understand this sentiment from an entrepreneur’s perspective, what difference does a title make? The only thing that matters is what you can do, not what you’re called. For a long time I shared this sentiment, but over time I’ve…

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Operations & Technology

My Top 15 Ecommerce Tools

This week I’ll be speaking at the Dallas Ecommerce Meetup. If you’re local come by and say hi! The name of the talk is “My Top 15 Ecommerce Tools” and I wanted to create a resource for everyone at the talk to access the links. It would be too long to write the whole thing up, especially since I’ve already…

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