If you visit a gym regularly, once November hits the jokes about the impending swarm of new years “resolutioners” begins. For about 2 months the gym will be a crowded nightmare until the majority of the “resolutioners” lose motivation and return to their regular habits. Because of things like this the whole New Years resolution concept has a bad rep…
Is Outsourcing Work Overseas Worth The Hassle?
Being an avid 4 Hour Workweek fan I was always interested in outsourcing work overseas to lower cost, higher skilled people. Several years ago I then finally started hiring teams for various data entry projects in the Philippines, and fast forward a few years and I now have 3 full time employees in the Philippines and work with 2 computer…
The Best Warehouse Picking Methods And When To Use Each
Until I started setting up a high volume warehouse I never gave much consideration to routes and pick methods. I quickly learned though after choosing the wrong picking method that this can have a gigantic impact. Once I found the right one for my operation the challenge became keeping the pickers busy throughout the workday instead of trying to catch…
How To Get Retailers To Pick Up Your Product
When I first started out in e-commerce we would go to trade shows and nearly beg everyone to allow us to sell their products, much of the time we were rejected. Over time though slowly the tables began to turn as the sites I worked for gained popularity. Ultimately we had a long queue of requests from vendors to be…
Top 5 Podcasts For Small Business
Having a toddler running around the house lately has greatly reduced the amount of reading I’m getting done lately. What I’ve really gotten into though is podcasts. It’s the perfect thing at the gym or commute to get your thoughts flowing so I’m hooked for sure. Listening to a good podcast has many times gotten me through a rough traffic…
Announcing My New Product: SupplierPartner.com
Today with great excitement I’d like to announce the launch of a software application I’ve been working on for a long time. Supplier Partner is a browser based tool you use to manage your product catalog that replaces spreadsheets and makes your information instantly accessible to your resellers. It replaces your spreadsheet (or whatever you use) on which you store your product…
Work Life Balance For Workaholics
This is my first post in nearly a month, and that last post was about panicking at work, so I guess you could say I’ve been busy! I’ve been leading some major overhauls at my company which have, predictably, caused some unintended consequences. So between that and spending time with family there hasn’t been much time to blog. Along those same lines…
When Should You Panic?
As I write this post, I’m in the midst of what has turned out to be a very hectic and turbulent launch of some new warehouse management software. We’re in week three of working through all the unexpected bugs and our shipping volume is still only at half what it was before the launch, and that’s actually an accomplishment compared to…
My 7 Biggest Mistakes Of The Last Year
As I near the end of the first year in my new role as Director of E-commerce, I’ve been contemplating some of the mistakes I’ve made. In order to grow and improve I think you have to both take an honest look at yourself and also be open to criticism from others. Pride makes this sort of thing painful to do,…
How To Get Off The Gmail Spam List
Recently, after months and months of trying, my employer made it off the Gmail spam list and back into the Gmail inbox. They had been in spam long before I worked there, so the best estimate is that it was like that for a year. I probably spent at least 30 hours on the phone over the last few months with…