
Setting New Years Goals

If you visit a gym regularly, once November hits the jokes about the impending swarm of new years “resolutioners” begins. For about 2 months the gym will be a crowded nightmare until the majority of the “resolutioners” lose motivation and return to their regular habits. Because of things like this the whole New Years resolution concept has a bad rep…

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Entrepreneurship, Operations & Technology

Announcing My New Product: SupplierPartner.com

Today with great excitement I’d like to announce the launch of a software application I’ve been working on for a long time. Supplier Partner is a browser based tool you use to manage your product catalog that replaces spreadsheets and makes your information instantly accessible to your resellers. It replaces your spreadsheet (or whatever you use) on which you store your product…

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When Should You Panic?

As I write this post, I’m in the midst of what has turned out to be a very hectic and turbulent launch of some new warehouse management software. We’re in week three of working through all the unexpected bugs and our shipping volume is still only at half what it was before the launch, and that’s actually an accomplishment compared to…

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How To Get Off The Gmail Spam List

Recently, after months and months of trying, my employer made it off the Gmail spam list and back into the Gmail inbox. They had been in spam long before I worked there, so the best estimate is that it was like that for a year. I probably spent at least 30 hours on the phone over the last few months with…

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